
Waptrick Gregory Isaacs - Strangers In The Town Paroles de chanson

Now I may not be familiar with your language

But I sure would like to cross over your bridge

Said I may not dress in style as the men in your town do

But I sure know what to say: I love you

I wanna love you in the morning

Love you in the evening too

Even when you're lonely

I'll make you happy when you're feeling blue

I'm just a stranger in your town

Once in a while I pop around

Now I may not be familiar with your language, oh no

But I sure I'm gonna cross over your bridge

Do I may not dress in style as the men in your town do

But I sure know what to say: I love you

I wanna love you in the morning

Love you in the evening too

Even if you're lonely

Make you happy when you're feeling blue

Do I'm just a stranger in your town

Once in a while I pop around

Let's be friends

Friends that never end

I'm just a stranger

So let's be friends

You see me around, yeah

'Cause I wanna love ya

Yes I wanna love ya, whoay

Just stranger in your town

I'll be around

'Cause I wanna love ya

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